the
be
and
of
to
a
in
have
it
you
he
for
they
not
that
we
on
with
this
do
as
at
she
but
from
by
will
or
say
go
so
all
if
one
would
a・bout
can
which
there
know
more
get
who
like
when
think
make
time
see
what
up
some
o・ther
out
good
peo・ple
year
take
no
well
be・cause
ver・y
just
come
could
work
use
than
now
then
al・so
in・to
on・ly
look
want
give
first
new
way
find
o・ver
a・ny
af・ter
day
where
thing
most
should
need
much
right
how
back
mean
e・ven
may
here
ma・ny
such
last
child
tell
re・al・ly
call
be・fore
com・pa・ny
through
down
show
life
man
change
place
long
be・tween
feel
too
still
prob・lem
write
same
lot
great
try
leave
num・ber
both
own
part
point
lit・tle
help
ask
meet
start
talk
some・thing
put
an・o・ther
be・come
in・ter・est
coun・try
old
each
school
late
high
dif・fer・ent
off
next
end
live
why
while
world
week
play
might
must
home
nev・er
in・clude
course
house
re・port
group
case
wo・man
a・round
book
fam・i・ly
seem
let
a・gain
kind
keep
hear
sys・tem
ev・ery
ques・tion
dur・ing
al・ways
big
set
small
stud・y
fol・low
be・gin
im・por・tant
since
run
un・der
turn
few
bring
ear・ly
hand
state
move
mon・ey
fact
how・ev・er
ar・ea
pro・vide
name
read
friend
month
large
busi・ness
with・out
in・for・ma・tion
o・pen
or・der
gov・ern・ment
word
is・sue
mar・ket
pay
build
hold
ser・vice
a・gainst
be・lieve
sec・ond
though
yes
love
in・crease
job
plan
re・sult
a・way
ex・am・ple
hap・pen
of・fer
young
close
pro・gram
lead
buy
un・der・stand
thank
far
to・day
hour
stu・dent
face
hope
i・de・a
cost
less
room
un・til
rea・son
form
spend
head
car
learn
le・vel
per・son
ex・pe・ri・ence
once
mem・ber
e・nough
bad
ci・ty
night
a・ble
sup・port
wheth・er
line
pres・ent
side
quite
al・though
sure
term
least
age
low
speak
with・in
pro・cess
pub・lic
of・ten
train
pos・si・ble
ac・tu・al・ly
rath・er
view
to・geth・er
con・sid・er
price
par・ent
hard
par・ty
lo・cal
con・trol
al・read・y
con・cern
prod・uct
lose
sto・ry
al・most
con・tin・ue
stand
whole
yet
rate
care
ex・pect
ef・fect
sort
ev・er
an・y・thing
cause
fall
deal
wa・ter
send
al・low
soon
watch
base
prob・a・bly
sug・gest
past
pow・er
test
vis・it
cen・ter
grow
noth・ing
re・turn
mo・ther
walk
mat・ter
mind
val・ue
of・fice
re・cord
stay
force
stop
sev・er・al
light
de・vel・op
re・mem・ber
bit
share
real
an・swer
sit
fig・ure
let・ter
de・cide
lan・guage
sub・ject
class
de・vel・op・ment
town
half
min・ute
food
break
clear
fu・ture
ei・ther
a・go
per
re・main
top
a・mong
win
col・or
in・volve
reach
so・cial
pe・riod
a・cross
note
his・to・ry
cre・ate
drive
a・long
type
sound
eye
mu・sic
game
po・lit・i・cal
free
re・ceive
mo・ment
sale
pol・i・cy
fur・ther
bod・y
re・quire
wait
gen・er・al
ap・pear
to・ward
team
ea・sy
in・di・vid・u・al
full
black
sense
per・haps
add
rule
pass
pro・duce
sell
short
a・gree
law
e・ve・ry・thing
re・search
cov・er
pa・per
po・si・tion
near
hu・man
com・put・er
si・tu・a・tion
staff
ac・ti・vi・ty
film
morn・ing
war
ac・count
shop
ma・jor
some・one
a・bove
de・sign
ev・ent
spe・cial
some・times
con・di・tion
car・ry
choose
fa・ther
de・ci・sion
ta・ble
cer・tain
for・ward
main
die
bear
cut
de・scribe
him・self
a・vail・a・ble
es・pe・cial・ly
strong
rise
girl
may・be
com・mu・ni・ty
else
par・tic・u・lar
role
join
dif・fi・cult
please
de・tail
dif・fer・ence
ac・tion
health
eat
step
true
phone
them・selves
draw
white
date
prac・tice
mod・el
raise
cus・tom・er
front
ex・plain
door
out・side
be・hind
e・co・nom・ic
site
ap・proach
teach・er
land
charge
fi・nal・ly
sign
claim
re・la・tion・ship
trav・el
en・joy
death
nice
a・mount
im・prove
pic・ture
boy
re・gard
or・ga・ni・za・tion
hap・py
cou・ple
act
range
qual・i・ty
pro・ject
round
op・por・tu・ni・ty
road
ac・cord
list
wish
there・fore
wear
fund
rest
kid
in・du・str・y
ed・u・ca・tion
mea・sure
kill
serve
like・ly
cer・tain・ly
na・tion・al
it・self
teach
field
se・cur・i・ty
air
ben・e・fit
trade
risk
news
stan・dard
vote
per・cent
fo・cus
stage
space
in・stead
re・al・ize
u・su・al・ly
da・ta
sin・gle
ad・dress
per・for・mance
chance
ac・cept
so・ci・et・y
tech・nol・o・gy
men・tion
choice
save
com・mon
cul・ture
to・tal
de・mand
ma・te・ri・al
lim・it
lis・ten
due
wrong
foot
ef・fort
at・ten・tion
up・on
check
com・plete
lie
pick
re・duce
per・son・al
ground
an・i・mal
ar・rive
pa・tient
cur・rent
cen・tu・ry
ev・i・dence
ex・ist
sim・i・lar
fight
lead・er
fine
street
form・er
con・tact
par・tic・u・lar・ly
wife
sport
pre・pare
dis・cuss
re・sponse
voice
piece
fin・ish
sup・pose
ap・ply
pres・i・dent
fire
com・pare
court
po・lice
store
poor
knowl・edge
laugh
arm
heart
source
em・ploy・ee
man・age
sim・ply
bank
firm
cell
ar・ti・cle
fast
at・tack
for・eign
sur・prise
fea・ture
fac・tor
pret・ty
re・cent・ly
af・fect
drop
re・cent
re・late
of・fi・cial
fi・nan・cial
miss
art
cam・paign
pri・vate
pause
ev・er・y・one
for・get
page
wor・ry
sum・mer
drink
o・pin・ion
park
rep・re・sent
key
in・side
man・ager
in・ter・na・tion・al
con・tain
no・tice
won・der
na・ture
struc・ture
sec・tion
my・self
ex・act・ly
plant
paint
work・er
press
what・ev・er
nec・es・sa・ry
re・gion
growth
eve・ning
in・flu・ence
re・spect
var・i・ous
catch
thus
skill
at・tempt
son
sim・ple
me・dium
av・er・age
stock
man・age・ment
char・ac・ter
bed
hit
es・tab・lish
in・deed
fi・nal
e・con・o・my
fit
guy
func・tion
yes・ter・day
im・age
size
be・hav・ior
ad・di・tion
de・ter・mine
sta・tion
pop・u・la・tion
fail
en・vi・ron・ment
pro・duc・tion
con・tract
play・er
com・ment
en・ter
oc・cur
a・lone
sig・nif・i・cant
drug
wall
se・ries
di・rect
suc・cess
to・mor・row
di・rec・tor
clear・ly
lack
re・view
de・pend
race
rec・og・nize
win・dow
pur・pose
de・part・ment
gain
tree
col・lege
ar・gue
board
hol・i・day
mark
church
ma・chine
a・chieve
i・tem
prove
cent
sea・son
floor
stuff
wide
an・y・one
meth・od
an・al・y・sis
e・lec・tion
mil・i・tar・y
ho・tel
club
be・low
mov・ie
doc・tor
dis・cus・sion
sor・ry
chal・lenge
na・tion
near・ly
state・ment
link
de・spite
in・tro・duce
ad・van・tage
read・y
mar・ry
strike
mile
seek
a・bil・i・ty
u・nit
card
hos・pi・tal
quick・ly
in・ter・view
a・gree・ment
re・lease
tax
so・lu・tion
cap・i・tal
pop・u・lar
spec・if・ic
beau・ti・ful
fear
aim
te・le・vi・sion
se・rious
tar・get
de・gree
pull
red
hus・band
ac・cess
move・ment
treat
i・den・ti・fy
loss
shall
mod・ern
pres・sure
bus
treat・ment
con・fer・ence
your・self
sup・ply
vil・lage
worth
nat・u・ral
ex・press
in・di・cate
at・tend
broth・er
in・vest・ment
score
or・gan・ize
trip
be・yond
sleep
fish
prom・ise
po・ten・tial
en・er・gy
trou・ble
re・la・tion
touch
file
mid・dle
bar
suf・fer
strat・e・gy
deep
ex・cept
clean
tend
ad・vance
fill
star
net・work
gen・er・al・ly
op・er・a・tion
match
a・void
seat
throw
task
nor・mal
goal
as・so・ci・ate
blue
pos・i・tive
op・tion
box
huge
mes・sage
in・stance
style
re・fer
cold
push
quar・ter
as・sume
ba・by
suc・cess・ful
sing
doubt
com・pet・i・tion
the・o・ry
pro・pose
ref・er・ence
ar・gu・ment
a・dult
fly
doc・u・ment
pat・tern
ap・pli・ca・tion
hot
ob・vi・ous・ly
un・clear
bill
search
sep・a・rate
cen・tral
ca・reer
an・y・way
speech
dog
of・fi・cer
through・out
oil
dress
pro・fit
guess
fun
pro・tect
re・source
sci・ence
dis・ease
bal・ance
dam・age
ba・sis
au・thor
ba・sic
en・cour・age
hair
male
op・er・ate
re・flect
ex・er・cise
use・ful
res・tau・rant
in・come
prop・er・ty
prev・i・ous
dark
im・ag・ine
o・kay
earn
daugh・ter
post
news・pa・per
de・fine
con・clu・sion
clock
e・ve・ry・body
week・end
per・form
pro・fes・sion・al
mine
de・bate
mem・o・ry
green
song
ob・ject
main・tain
cred・it
ring
dis・cov・er
dead
af・ter・noon
pre・fer
ex・tend
pos・si・bil・i・ty
di・rec・tion
fa・cil・i・ty
va・ri・e・ty
dai・ly
clothes
screen
track
dance
com・plete・ly
fe・male
re・spon・si・bil・i・ty
o・rig・i・nal
sis・ter
rock
dream
nor
u・ni・ver・si・ty
eas・i・ly
a・gen・cy
dol・lar
gar・den
fix
a・head
cross
yeah
can・di・date
weight
le・gal
pro・pos・al
ver・sion
con・ver・sa・tion
some・bod・y
pound
mag・a・zine
shape
sea
im・me・di・ate・ly
wel・come
smile
com・mu・ni・ca・tion
a・gent
tra・di・tion・al
re・place
judge
her・self
sud・den・ly
gen・er・a・tion
es・ti・mate
fav・o・rite
dif・fi・cul・ty
pur・chase
shoot
an・nounce
un・less
in・de・pend・ent
rec・om・mend
sur・vey
ma・jor・i・ty
stick
re・quest
rich
wind
none
ex・change
bud・get
fa・mous
blood
ap・pro・pri・ate
block
warm
count
scene
writ・er
con・tent
pre・vent
safe
in・vite
mix
el・e・ment
ef・fec・tive
cor・rect
med・i・cal
ad・mit
beat
tel・e・phone
co・py
com・mit・tee
a・ware
ad・vice
han・dle
glass
tri・al
stress
ra・dio
ad・min・is・tra・tion
com・plex
text
con・text
ride
di・rect・ly
heav・y
re・move
con・duct
e・quip・ment
oth・er・wise
ti・tle
ex・tra
ex・e・cu・tive
chair
ex・pen・sive
sam・ple
sex
de・liv・er
vid・e・o
con・nect・ion
pri・ma・ry
weath・er
col・lect
in・form
prin・ci・ple
straight
ap・peal
high・ly
trust
won・der・ful
flat
ab・so・lute・ly
flow
fair
ad・di・tion・al
re・spon・si・ble
farm
col・lec・tion
hang
neg・a・tive
band
rel・a・tive
tour
al・ter・na・tive
soft・ware
pair
ship
at・ti・tude
cheap
dou・ble
leg
ob・serve
sen・tence
pro・gress
truth
no・body
ex・am・ine
lay
speed
pol・i・tics
re・ply
dis・play
trans・fer
per・fect
slight・ly
o・ver・all
in・tend
us・er
re・spond
din・ner
slow
reg・u・lar
phys・i・cal
a・part
suit
fed・er・al
re・veal
per・cen・tage
peace
sta・tus
crime
de・cline
de・cade
launch
warn
con・sum・er
fa・vor
dry
part・ner
in・sti・tu・tion
spot
horse
ev・en・tu・al・ly
heat
ex・cite
read・er
im・por・tance
dis・tance
guide
grant
tax・i
feed
pain
sec・tor
mis・take
en・sure
sat・is・fy
chief
cool
ex・pert
wave
south
la・bor
sur・face
li・brar・y
ex・cell・ent
edge
camp
au・di・ence
lift
pro・ce・dure
e・mail
glob・al
strug・gle
ad・ver・tise
se・lect
sur・round
ex・tent
riv・er
an・nu・al
ful・ly
con・trast
roll
re・al・i・ty
pho・to・graph
ar・tist
con・flict
en・tire
pres・ence
crowd
cor・ner
gas
shift
net
cat・e・go・ry
sec・re・ta・ry
de・fense
quick
cook
spread
nu・clear
scale
driv・er
ball
cry
in・tro・duc・tion
re・quire・ment
north
con・firm
se・nior
pho・to
re・fuse
trans・port
e・merge
map
con・cept
is・land
re・form
nei・ther
foot・ball
sur・vive
flight
left
solve
neigh・bor
back・ground
tech・nique
traf・fic
im・prove・ment
tool
con・se・quence
cir・cum・stance
smoke
re・ac・tion
rain
bu・sy
les・son
brain
mass
fun・ny
con・trib・ute
fail・ure
sched・ule
speak・er
bot・tom
a・dopt
com・bine
moun・tain
waste
hide
mar・riage
tick・et
meal
col・league
bag
re・peat
e・qual
ex・pres・sion
plus
ex・treme・ly
own・er
plane
com・mer・cial
la・dy
du・ty
strength
con・nect
cul・tur・al
ar・range
scheme
pay・ment
un・for・tu・nate・ly
brief
bird
de・mon・strate
con・trib・u・tion
ap・pre・ci・ate
chap・ter
se・cret
ap・par・ent・ly
nov・el
un・ion
burn
trend
in・i・ti・al
pleas・ure
sug・ges・tion
crit・i・cal
gath・er
most・ly
earth
pop
es・sen・tial
de・sire
pro・mote
cur・rent・ly
em・ploy
path
top・ic
beach
at・tract
en・gage
pow・er・ful
flow・er
cri・sis
set・tle
boat
aid
fan
kit・chen
twice
fresh
de・lay
safe・ty
en・gin・eer
qui・et
in・sur・ance
nurse
di・vide
length
in・ves・ti・ga・tion
pack・age
some・where
ex・pand
com・mit
ob・vi・ous
jump
wea・pon
re・la・tive・ly
host
win・ter
dis・trict
broad
tire
spring
spir・it
lunch
ac・tu・al
pool
bat・tle
tra・di・tion
cash
hard・ly
a・ward
coach
ex・per・i・ment
con・sid・er・a・tion
strange
code
pos・si・bly
threat
ac・ci・dent
im・pos・si・ble
rev・e・nue
en・a・ble
a・fraid
ac・tive
con・clude
re・lig・ious
can・cer
con・vince
va・ry
en・vi・ron・men・tal
sun
health・y
blow
vol・ume
lo・ca・tion
in・vest
pro・ceed
wash
ac・tor
glad
tape
where・as
op・po・site
stone
sum
mur・der
mon・i・tor
sol・dier
fi・nance
hate
egg
con・cert
shock
com・fort・a・ble
u・sual
care・ful・ly
pack
re・call
wine
cam・era
swim
man・u・fac・ture
thea・ter
cy・cle
cof・fee
to・tal・ly
mu・se・um
vis・i・tor
free・dom
con・struc・tion
dear
ob・ject・ive
more・o・ver
on・to
his・tor・i・cal
op・pose
branch
ve・hi・cle
sci・en・tist
route
bind
be・long
taste
to・night
fash・ion
dan・ger
bomb
ar・my
dan・ger・ous
de・crease
hurt
coun・cil
ed・i・tor
nor・mal・ly
sight
gen・er・ate
gift
de・liv・er・y
de・ny
guest
an・y・bod・y
bed・room
quote
climb
ba・sic・al・ly
vi・o・lence
min・is・ter
main・ly
mouth
noise
man・ner
gun
square
oc・ca・sion
fam・il・iar
ig・nore
de・stroy
af・fair
civ・il
lo・cate
cit・i・zen
tem・per・a・ture
gold
do・mes・tic
load
be・lief
troop
tech・ni・cal
re・mind
ar・range・ment
skin
pris・on
switch
ac・quire
cor・por・ate
fair・ly
wood
par・tic・i・pate
tough
tear
rep・re・sen・ta・tive
ca・pac・i・ty
bor・der
shake
as・sess・ment
shoe
ought
ad
fee
hall
reg・u・la・tion
es・cape
stu・dio
prop・er
re・lax
tour・ist
com・po・nent
af・ford
law・yer
sus・pect
cup
de・scrip・tion
con・fi・dence
in・dus・tri・al
com・plain
per・spec・tive
er・ror
ar・rest
as・sess
reg・is・ter
as・set
sig・nal
fin・ger
rel・e・vant
ex・plore
lead・er・ship
com・mit・ment
wake
nec・es・sar・i・ly
bright
frame
slow・ly
bond
hire
hole
tie
in・ter・nal
chain
lit・er・a・ture
vic・tim
threat・en
di・vi・sion
se・cure
a・maze
de・vice
birth
for・est
la・bel
root
fac・to・ry
ex・pense
chan・nel
in・ves・ti・gate
rec・om・men・da・tion
rank
typ・i・cal
west
friend・ly
res・i・dent
pro・vi・sion
con・cen・trate
plen・ty
ex・port
en・tire・ly
strong・ly
bridge
con・sist
grad・uate
brand
mor・al
in・sist
com・bi・na・tion
a・buse
ice
prin・ci・pal
mas・ter
def・i・nite・ly
ses・sion
grade
nev・er・the・less
pre・dict
pre・vi・ous・ly
pro・tec・tion
larg・ely
wed
rent
shot
ap・pear・ance
rea・son・a・ble
guar・an・tee
till
theme
judg・ment
odd
ap・prove
loan
def・i・ni・tion
e・lect
at・mos・phere
farm・er
com・par・i・son
char・ac・ter・is・tic
li・cense
re・ly
nar・row
suc・ceed
i・den・ti・ty
desk
per・mit
se・ri・ous・ly
wild
emp・ty
com・mis・sion
u・nique
as・so・ci・a・tion
in・stru・ment
in・vest・or
prac・ti・cal
tea
lov・ely
soft
row
youth
lock
fuel
ex・pec・ta・tion
em・ploy・ment
cel・e・brate
sex・u・al
shoul・der
breath
in・creas・ing・ly
im・port
bot・tle
our・selves
sheet
en・gine
cast
no・tion
con・ser・va・tive
jour・ney
op・po・si・tion
re・lief
debt
hon・or
out・come
blame
ex・pla・na・tion
a・rise
mu・si・cal
re・cov・er
dad
stretch
de・clare
re・tire
ti・ny
care・ful
suit・a・ble
na・tive
fruit
an・al・yze
wit・ness
ter・ri・ble
re・search・er
or・di・na・ry
se・lec・tion
an・y・where
men・tal
par・ti・ci・pant
vi・sion
per・son・al・i・ty
spe・cif・i・cal・ly
fat
en・try
fel・low
chem・i・cal
cap・ture
tip
dis・count
peak
chair・man
pro・por・tion
ear
dis・ap・pear
shout
yard
con・stant
sig・nif・i・cant・ly
hill
con・sid・er・a・ble
in・struc・tion
in・tel・li・gence
i・deal
folk
sure・ly
guard
cat
some・what
kiss
pre・sen・ta・tion
joint
com・pete
poll
weak
faith
re・duc・tion
re・serve
com・plaint
bore
mis・sion
some・how
tone
neigh・bor・hood
pas・sen・ger
jus・tice
phase
thin
rush
for・mal
re・li・gion
em・ploy・er
re・ject
lat・ter
plate
ban
steal
pro・test
in・dex
sad
fre・quent・ly
cir・cle
help・ful
com・mand
at・tract・ive
sick
im・pres・sion
un・able
joke
sky
col・umn
e・lec・tron・ic
im・pose
crim・i・nal
be・sides
prop・er・ly
an・cient
coast
ill
kick
close・ly
mul・ti・ple
yield
vi・a
le・gis・la・tion
coun・ty
un・like
mo・bile
as・sist・ant
im・ple・ment
chart
at・tach
hell
ev・er・y・where
ad・vise
house・hold
ac・know・ledge
re・ward
east
hat
ac・a・dem・ic
vot・er
mean・while
fur・ther・more
ac・cuse
sci・en・tif・ic
wage
ab・sence
con・struct
remark
med・i・cine
pro・fes・sor
rare
in・ten・tion
doz・en
set・tle・ment
gap
wide・ly
min・i・mum
north・ern
es・tate
e・qual・ly
ex・pose
a・live
shut
vic・to・ry
re・solve
crit・ic
var・i・a・ble
en・or・mous
sweet
per・man・ent
e・mo・tion
pur・sue
tall
urge
en・em・y
ap・point
milk
tal・ent
smell
pri・or
pri・or・i・ty
on・line
phrase
pi・lot
sta・ble
mere・ly
res・o・lu・tion
com・mu・ni・cate
in・jur・y
vast
ex・hi・bi・tion
pro・du・cer
re・gion・al
im・med・i・ate
in・ci・dent
child・hood
draft
slip
ac・com・pa・ny
pol・i・ti・cian
an・gry
knock
seed
sal・ar・y
il・lus・trate
im・ply
break・fast
tem・po・rary
lib・er・al
lake
qual・i・fy
com・pet・i・tive
tru・ly
hi
yel・low
hab・it
disk
core
e・mo・tion・al
air・craft
self
met・al
ex・is・tence
bone
pan・el
prime
ap・point・ment
em・pha・size
max・i・mum
ef・fec・tive・ly
el・se・where
both・er
in・i・ti・a・tive
sharp
diet
mo・tion
gray
plas・tic
com・pli・cate
dis・ci・pline
dis・ap・point
boss
as・sump・tion
freeze
ex・treme
pas・sage
rep・u・ta・tion
forth
ne・go・ti・a・tion
mech・a・nism
coat
dem・o・cra・cy
pock・et
luck・y
crash
ob・ser・va・tion
meat
con・cen・tra・tion
im・pli・ca・tion
de・serve
un・u・sual
de・fend
clas・sic
king
in・ter・ac・tion
re・pair
col・lapse
bor・row
fund・a・men・tal
dish
a・broad
soul
cap・a・ble
de・feat
pres・i・den・tial
per・fect・ly
en・hance
proud
e・mer・gen・cy
ed・u・ca・tion・al
dis・tin・guish
sub・stan・tial
near・by
man・u・fac・tur・er
slide
val・u・a・ble
per・son・al・ly
breast
cope
ap・prox・i・mate・ly
ac・com・mo・da・tion
high・light
re・port・er
cli・mate
shirt
ex・cep・tion
cor・po・ra・tion
chip
win・ner
en・coun・ter
brown
breathe
ex・cuse
part・ly
ten・nis
ur・ban
con・fuse
south・ern
out・put
beau・ty
mas・sive
in・stall
cal・cu・late
mouse
math・e・mat・ics
up・per
cre・a・tion
oc・cu・py
out・line
suf・fi・cient
up・date
luck
pre・serve
split
swing
ill・ness
jour・nal・ist
sud・den
ad・ver・tise・ment
con・sist・ent
or・i・gin・al・ly
a・side
com・fort
sec・ond・ly
se・vere
gene
pros・pect
snow
plot
neck
cri・te・ria
pri・ma・ri・ly
in・te・grate
crit・i・cism
con・ven・tion
bet
re・tain
se・quence
plain
vol・un・teer
ru・ral
calm
ab・an・don
ex・am・i・na・tion
si・lence
rap・id・ly
ef・fi・cient
rev・o・lu・tion
de・light
spell
pre・mise
lean
dra・mat・ic
dif・fer
grate・ful
pro・tein
bike
dis・trib・ute
in・tel・lec・tu・al
de・rive
cru・cial
un・em・ploy・ment
wheel
crop
mi・nor・i・ty
or・i・gin
in・ter・pre・ta・tion
gen・tle・man
dra・ma
land・scape
ed・u・cate
toy
fault
ex・hi・bit
mi・nor
hunt
storm
thick
a・chieve・ment
ne・go・ti・ate
dom・i・nate
sup・plier
prize
typ・i・cal・ly
peer
pen・sion
wing
ac・qui・si・tion
laugh・ter
deep・ly
rec・og・ni・tion
e・lec・tric・i・ty
as・sist・ance
roof
re・tire・ment
re・spec・tive・ly
va・ri・a・tion
ul・ti・mate・ly
proof
soil
smart
layer
up・set
tooth
rep・re・sen・ta・tion
pre・par・a・tion
dis・pute
a・gen・da
em・pha・sis
ed・i・tion
sil・ver
en・ter・tain・ment
hon・est
un・der・take
re・tail
wire
un・like・ly
gay
pub・li・ca・tion
slight
un・known
frame・work
zone
re・strict
trace
inch
e・quiv・a・lent
sol・id
en・ter・prise
el・der・ly
owe
gov・ern・or
u・ni・form
port
pitch
ar・ri・val
con・tem・po・ra・ry
gate
ease
beer
spe・cial・ist
as・sure